Beijing Lu Daopei Blood Disease Hospital

Beijing, China 2014
Project Location: Beijing, Shunyi
Base area: 49707.2 square meters
Building area: 47085 square meters
Number of beds: 400 beds
Project phase: completed

Beijing Ludaopei Hematology Hospital is a three-level blood disease specialist hospital named after the famous Chinese hematology expert, the founder of Chinese hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and the academician of the Academy of Engineering, Lu Daopei.

The project is a renovation project. The original function is an industrial plant with five floors above ground and a basement. The design bed is 400 beds, the laminar flow ward is 12, the operating room is 4, the ICU is 9 beds, and the daily outpatient volume is 100.

The total construction area: 47085 square meters, of which: 39552 square meters above ground, underground: 7533 square meters, underground one floor, five floors above ground, building height: 23.85m. The main functions are as follows: the basement is mainly equipped with disinfection supply center, nutrition kitchen, staff restaurant, garage, equipment room, etc.; the first floor is mainly set up hall, radiology department, functional examination, hyperthermia, endoscopy, clinic, infusion, Chinese medicine, VIP reception, smart medical, fire control room, coffee shop, etc.; the second floor is mainly set up laminar flow ward, laboratory, blood bank, GMP laboratory, drug store, drug configuration center, etc.; three floors mainly set up wards and advanced wards; four floors Mainly set up ward and ICU, the fifth floor mainly sets up the functions of surgery department, office, information center, conference room, library, etc.